A reflex is an automatic response to a (motor or sensory) stimulus. These central nervous system responses are typically integrated by 4 to 6 months of age as the brain matures and replaces them with voluntary motor activities.
Phase 1: The reflex is present to facilitate skill development
Example: As an infant, when your child turns their head to one side, their arm and leg reflexively extend on the same side and bend on the opposite side
Transition Period: Child is learning, developing, and exploring the skill
Example: When the head, arms, and legs all reflexively move together, it helps them with rolling. As your child starts to feel this movement, they practice by repeating and exploring the movement.
Phase 2: Child is now able to use the skill functionally and with variety
Example: Now your child can roll intentionally to move, reach for a toy, etc. because their body has learned the movements needed. They no longer have or need the reflexive pattern to help them do it (the reflex has integrated/phased out)
What happens if a reflex is not integrated?
Your child is not using the most efficient motor pattern for skilled function, and/or their bodies are not responding in the most appropriate way to a sensory or motor stimulus. What this does not mean: your child has significant neurological dysfunction.
MNRI® focuses on the concepts of bridging the components of the nervous system, the sensory system, and the motor system to facilitate sensory processing, motor-physical, and sensory-motor rehabilitation, emotional recovery, and developmental enrichment.
MNRI® is a technique used at Monkey Mouths to facilitate reflex integration. This technique is based on the concept of providing a precise stimulus (touch and movement) to create a more efficient neurological pathway that leads to natural development.
Some common signs your child would benefit from reflex integration therapy are:
Your child’s occupational therapist can assess their movement patterns and sensory/motor responses through a variety of skilled activities to determine if these reflexive patterns are present.
If present, your child will have an individualized plan of care to target the reflexive patterns that are impacting their ability to complete functional skills most efficiently.
During the session, your child’s occupational therapist will guide you through play-based activities to practice at home to further their progress.
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